Sewing the Empire Linden Museum Stuttgart

Sewing the Empire   13 July 2023- “24 February 2024 Italian artist Marina Gasparini works primarily with textile materials. Her art focuses on site-specific installations that are in dialogue with the surrounding architecture. Another focus of her work is the combination of writing and images with textiles. As artist-in-residence at the Linden Museum from May […]

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Nuke Mars

                Sabato 14 ottobre 2023 alle ore 18.00 la Galleria Mazzoli di Modena è lieta di presentare le mostre Filosofo di cipria. Rosa dietro di Vincenzo Cabiati e Nuke Mars di Marina Gasparini. La mostra di Vincenzo Cabiati prende il titolo dalle due serie di opere ceramiche esposte […]

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  Con le parole e i suoni di Franco Arminio e Mirco Ghirardini, domenica 19 settembre è stato presentato al pubblico il progetto “Transiti. Tracce d’arte sul territorio” di Marina Gasparini, a cura di Francesca Baboni e Stefano Taddei. Una mostra “diffusa” di opere ed installazioni open air, dislocate in cinque luoghi di interesse storico-artistico […]

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Elio Franzini  The political space of beauty    Beauty, says Paul Valéry, is not to be considered a “pure notion”, even if it is one that has been fundamental in the history of western spirituality, and determined a metaphysical thought that is the foundation of philosophy. To summarize, and with all the risks that summarizing implies, Plato does exactly what according to Valéry should not be done to separate the Beautiful from beautiful things.  Marina Gasparini’s work, instead, teaches us […]

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Walk and words 2017

“Che cosa raccontano le parole e le frasi e le linee? Ci dicono del mondo materiale e delle idee immateriali. Parlano delle cose e degli oggetti; soprattutto degli oggetti, quelle cose solide che ti vengono gettate davanti (dal latino ob-jectum) che ti impicciano e che ti ingombrano e con le quali devi fare i conti. […]

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The Fox and the Jewels 2016

THE FOX AND THE JEWELS 2 PERSONAL EXHIBITION IN SHINANO-OMACHI, JAPAN. NOVEMBER 2016, RINO-PROJECT ART SPACE The exhibition, that includes installation, video and traces of a workshop is included in the event Sounds that grow the rice and  is the final show of the residence program AIR in Omachi city Japan.             […]

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  Ancora una volta, dopo Intrecci d’arte al museo nel 2001 e La realtà non è forte di Sabrina Mezzaqui nel 2010, la Sala Gandini del Museo Civico d’Arte di Modena ospita un’installazione che dialoga con la collezione di frammenti tessili donata nel 1884 dal conte Luigi Alberto Gandini e composta da migliaia di campioni […]

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Midwest Studios Residency, 2013

    Join the Galesburg Civic Art Center in a reception showcasing the work created by Studios Midwest Residency artist Marina Gasparini. Marina will be exhibiting the portrait of Galesburg she created during her four weeks in Galesburg. The final project includes pieces created with the community in workshops held during her residency. The reception […]

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Residency project Finland 2012

Installations 2012, Illinsaari island, Ii, Finland. textile texts. The project started in summer 2012 in northern Finland. I studied the geography of emotions, embroidering phrases and aphorisms on landscape or interior places printed on canvans  in my previous work, and in  this period of residence, I ‘ve tried to extend the drawing and the writing into […]

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Romanzo/ Dramma 2002

Dramma Drame/drama.The amorous subject cannot write his love story himself. Only a very archaic form can accommodate the event wich he declaims without being able to recount. (Roland Barthes, A lover’s discourse)   Words, words, words, a fiction to look at but not a broadcasted one though. It is a romance printed on a white […]

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