Sewing the Empire Linden Museum Stuttgart

Sewing the Empire   13 July 2023- “24 February 2024 Italian artist Marina Gasparini works primarily with textile materials. Her art focuses on site-specific installations that are in dialogue with the surrounding architecture. Another focus of her work is the combination of writing and images with textiles. As artist-in-residence at the Linden Museum from May […]

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Catalogues pdf

MNARAASIR PNIGAI Ed. Galleria Emilio Mazzoli, Modena, 2014 DOWNLOAD book 5 DOWNLOAD book 4 DOWNLOAD book 3 DOWNLOAD book 2 DOWNLOAD book 1     DOWNLOAD THE CATALOGUE CatalogoChora Park catalogocomp       DOWNLOAD THE ARTIST BOOKS 成果記録2016 AIR2016ArtBooksmall ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- BIENNALE DEL DISEGNO RIMINI 2016       DOWNLOAD THE MAGAZINE   LAZAGNE-11-biennale-web-compressed   […]

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        MERCOLEDì 10 DICEMBRE 2014 Presentazione aperta al pubblico di   MNAR/AAASI/R-PN/IGAI/ di Marina Gasparini, (Edizioni Galleria Mazzoli Modena,2014).     Intervengono: Marina Gasparini, Maura Pozzatii, Valerio Dehò. con la collaborazione di corrainiMAMboartbookshop   Marina Gasparini, artista che vive a Bologna dove insegna Progettazione Grafica all’Accademia di Belle Arti, lavora […]

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Romanzo/ Dramma 2002

Dramma Drame/drama.The amorous subject cannot write his love story himself. Only a very archaic form can accommodate the event wich he declaims without being able to recount. (Roland Barthes, A lover’s discourse)   Words, words, words, a fiction to look at but not a broadcasted one though. It is a romance printed on a white […]

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      Quarta edizione del Premio di poesia intitolato al poeta e narratore modenese Antonio Delfini (1907 – 1963), il “grande irregolare”, autore del Ricordo della Basca, della Rosina perduta e delle Poesie alla fine del mondo. Ideaeato nel 2001 dal gallerista Emilio Mazzoli, dallo scrittore Nanni Balestrini e dal critico d’arte Achille Bonito Oliva, il Premio biennale, […]

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Libro bianco 2001

LIBROBIANCO The world begins with a book. Hopefully it will end in the same way. Life is a tale, actually many tales if somebody is lucky enough to have his/her life graced by many stories told. For whatever we do, listen to, feel, there is always a book ready to tell it. Even if we do […]

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Anatomopathologophilia artist book, 2016    

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