Residency project Finland 2012

Installations 2012, Illinsaari island, Ii, Finland. textile texts.

The project started in summer 2012 in northern Finland.

I studied the geography of emotions, embroidering phrases and aphorisms on landscape or interior places printed on canvans  in my previous work, and in  this period of residence, I ‘ve tried to extend the drawing and the writing into the physical spaces of my home-studio and then in the context of nature.





The video The air we breath the water we draw from the stream  shows a quote taken from Foucault’s The order of the things made of cloth and silhouetted on a natural background.







Moreover the installation pink medieval bed in the forest is dedicated to the language and the space.The town where the residence took place is called Ii. I found that this minimal word (Ii) is connected with the meaning of “good sleeping” . Maybe in the past it has been  the place where sailors were used to sleep or take a rest in their travelling. I  built  a textile drawing of a pink bed medieval and I fitted up it  on a three in a  forest.








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