Text Texture Textile
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- on Aug 05, 2022
Following Marina Gasparini’s residency this summer, ODRADEK presents 8 artists involved in a writing practice linked to textile fibers. This practice allows a letter, a word, a sentence, even a poem, to become thread and thus acquire a spatial materiality. Starting from the fact that writing is initially only a set of lines and strokes, it is possible to weave, knot, embroider with the help of threads which their texture conveys. Therefore, the exhibition deals with the matter of migration: words, like people, move, are transformed or deported.
Marina Gasparini has made fabric letters decorated with gallons and other scalloping. These 27 cut letters can be put on and will evolve according to the movement of figurants during a performance. Natalia Blanch exhibits poem-drawings as well as an oil work on hand-sewn rice paper with crocheted text. These extracts of poems constitute the conceptual and formal framework of her work. Estelle Saignes proposes a tapestry Jacquard-weaving. Starting from Google Maps views, she creates a patchwork to reflect the effects of an artificial lake in New Jersey. Jehanne Paternostre, from waste of threads resulting from the restoration of tapestries, creates a new thread which evolves in a line memorizing the ravages of time.Mimi Kunz and Miriam Gronwald create an installation in the aftermath of a performance. While Miriam dances, Mimi draws inspiration from her movements and translates the rhythms of the dancer’s body into graphic gestures. Michèle Louis embroiders a text written in a legible way, which on the reverse side of the fabric gives appearance to threads tracing other ways to follow.Françoise Seffer, inspired by her father’s writing or by a flight of starlings, embroiders and manipulates the crochet hook or the spindles to compose in her own way.
Simone Schuiten
During the months of July and August 2022 I have been working around the work in progress I started with a group of drawings resembling flags. At the end of my stay, I was engaged in the exhibition “Text, Texture, Textile” in dialogue with Mimi Kunz, Estelle Saignes, Jehanne Paternostre, Camille Lancelin, Natalia Blanch, Michèle Louis from 15/07/2022 au 24/09/2022.
My will for the period in Odradek was to complete ag banners series with “wearable sentences” wich texts refer to art, museums, western aesthetic v.s. eastern aesthetic like in Malraux’s vision, for example. Quotes referring to western modern approach to pieces of art in “The imaginary museum”, fit as well to define a colonial mindset.
Bandiera Rossa 2022
275×140 cm embroidery on fabric
Photocredits Michèle Louis
Five in a flag, 2022
Five elements 68 x90 cm. textile.
Photocredit Marco Rambaldi
